Every Tuesday at 7:30pm (School term)
At Mariners, we believe it is paramount to meet together and study God’s word. Learning about the Bible is important to us, but so are relationships. Together, we can really get a grasp of what the Holy Spirit is saying each week and where he will take us on our journey of faith.
Every six weeks or so, we start a new DVD series together on different topics relating to the Bible. We always make time for reflection, discussion, prayer, and try to encourage one another in the Lord. Many of us have busy schedules and face many different trials each week, therefore, Life-group equips us for the week ahead.
Currently, we are running only one group, held in the Chapel each week due to Covid 19. However, we do have the potential of using two rooms (with two groups) if the needs are there.
If you would like to join us on Tuesday evening @ 7:30pm, please contact .
If you are currently staying at home, you can join us on Zoom (recognising that you will only be able to listen in most of the time, although we can create space for you to share). Please contact us if this would be more helpful for you.
We look forward to seeing you soon.